Monday, August 24, 2009

Taking Leave....

In 2006 I started this blog. At the time, there was not alot of familiarization on a wide scale basis regarding kettlebell training in law enforcement circles. I recently attended a law enforcement workshop with other PT instructors, and they ALL knew about kettlebell training and many had incorporated it into their training. Needless to say I was stoked! There was a lot of talk about Crossfit, I brought in Velocity Sports Performance as another approach that was beneficial as cops are definitely "occupational athletes" (not my phrasing, but I heard it from Carl Bialorucki, Placerville Police Sgt and Pursuit Performance Training owner).

At any rate, I am reminded of this saying when I look back on the last three years. "First they laugh at you, then they ignore you, then they persecute you, then you win." I am sure many of you had the peculiar looks in the beginning when you told them about kettlebells....cattleballs, kettleballs....achyballs...whatever...and now it's a different story.

As it stands right now, my agency is the largest in the nation to have paid workout time for their rank and file. (only two hours a week, but it is a start. LAPD, LASO, SFPF, and other large agencies in the state do not have this.)There are kettlebells in each station gym. There is even an intradepartment tutorial on safe kettlebell lifting done by yours truly.

Now it's time for me to focus on something else. Alot of rambling, and I apologize. The next focus for me will be more personal. Two things....the Sacramento Kettlebell Sport Club, and secondly (and much more important) a new addition to the family. Another warrior princess. I am truly blessed.

Thank you to the people who have visited and posted, or ghosted. It was fun to be a part of introducing kettlebells to my agency, and I will continue to enjoy meeting people interested in this funny piece of iron called a kettlebell.

The Sacramento Kettlebell Sport Club

A new