Sunday, April 30, 2006

1st Workout since the RKC

Sunday April 30, 2006

It's been a week since the RKC. I feel good, and have been eating well to let the body recover. I have been going a little stir crazy not hitting the KBs since I went with the family to visit friends in Michigan right after the cert. We even went into Windsor, Canada since it is right across the bridge from Detroit.

CAUTION: Despite what it says on the internet, definitely bring your birth certificate or your passport. You will face major delays trying to get back in over the border.


Joint Mobility Drills (did the whole Steve Maxwell tape:20 mins. He is an awesome person. Quite inspiring.)

BWO dead hang pullups 5 x 5 (body weight 204.5 lbs)

Double Clean and Press (long cycle) 2-24kg 5 x 5

Double Front Squat 2-24kg 5 x 5

Windmills 16 kg 3 x 3

I am paying serious attention to strict form. Pressurize the abs, shoulders sucked in the socket, pulling down with the hip flexors, opening up the chest, push out/hinge the hips, breathe behind the shield.

I feel good in the summer night! I just have to get some mosquito spray!


Tommy Shook said...

Awesome workout pete! I am actually doing a very similar one twice a week and a "smoker" 2 other days...good stuff!

Pete said...


Thanks for checking out the blog! Will you have one set up?
I hope so, I would love to see what you are doing!