Saturday, March 03, 2007

Fridays is chins day

Been a very busy week getting ready for the new academy class and training the current class. Still overwhelmed by MIDP, but able to get some training in nonetheless.

Bench (135 x 6) x 2
185 x 6
185 x 6
225 x 6
245 x 3
265 x 1 (PR)

135 x 6
225 x 3
245 x 3
265 x 3
(295 x 2) x 5 w/ 90 secs rest btwn sets

Swings 16kg
4 sets of 30 secs on/30 secs off

Weight room day with the recruits
Showing various exercises to get a quickie workout in
Renegade rows w/ 2 24kgs
Figure 8s to a hold w/ 16 kg and 24 kgs.
Kettlebell matrix (swings, high pulls, hi-pull to a catch, high pull to a catch/front squat and press.

6 laps around the track
7 rounds of swings (10 per lap with 16kg)

Friday: Behind the computer all day doing MIDP work
GTG- chinups
totalled 110, 10 more than last week.

Saturday: I am anxiously awaiting my TNT cables which are slated to arrive today! Woohoo! I go to the Cooper's Institute soon for my Master Fitness Recert. I know, I know, but the agency is sending me as they are the main entity recognized by POST.

As Rif says, Dats it.

A special Thank You to Rif- thanks for the information and knowledge. Enjoy the next half century as much as the first one!


Franz Snideman said...

Very nice work Pete. Simple, effective and basic movements. That is what works brother.

Pete said...

That's me for now, bro. Keeping the foundation and form tight. My goals are simple. Bench 305 by age 40 ( i wish I had done more strength benching instead of bodybuiding type training) and deadlift 350+. My goals are simple since I have never trained in this fashion before. I get what I can! I will be so happy to be done with MIDP!

Ken Black said...

Pete I just posted a comment but it got lost in cyberspace!
TNT cables are awesome. What cables did you get? Great talking with you the other day.

Pete said...

They had a great sale going on if you purchased the deluxe model. It came with the Pink, Magenta, and Red cables, as well as the belt attachment for resisted running. They are fun!!!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Pete, I am very proud to call you friend.look forward to being able to spend more time together in the future.

Pete said...


The feeling is mutual, brother!