Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Nearing Burnout!!!!

Ok, I have a love/hate relationship with my Master Instructor Development Program. I know it will be worth it in the end. I am learning more than I ever learned in any other educational program I have ever been in...but I am getting burned out! Thank goodness for kettlebells. Despite my lack of real posting, I still hoist my beloved kettlebells!

This saturday I will be at the Sacramento Police Department's Female Fitness Challenge with a booth displaying kettlebells. I will have some of my former female recruits (now officers) showing their prowess with the kettlebells. Check the above link if you want to swing by.

I have been playing with some of the crossfit workouts. I find it interesting the conflicts from stolen "intellectual property" that is going on. With the different kettlebell certs that are arising, I don't see any clammoring to sue those other certs. You are either good, or you are not. GS or Hard Style? It's all good depending on what you want from it. It's like arguing which is better, Aikido or Kajukembo. Take from both, learn from both, you are a better student. But, that's just me. I just want what will work when I have to take a bad guy into custody.

But I digress.....I hope you like the musical selections. More to come. Just a different change of pace from the other blogs out there. I used to work in a record store an eternity ago. I haven't lost my love for a variety of forms of music. Paul Weller is amazing. First the Jam, then the Style Council, and then an amazing solo career. And he is still relatively unknown in the US. What a shame. It's nice when the artists you listened to when you were young grow older, and their music reflects a maturing. But it still sounds good! Agree or disagree...dissension is good for conversation. I am taking a less traditional form of stress relief in the form of a vodka tonic, so please forgive the rambling. Cheers!

1 comment:

Franz Snideman said...

Vodka Tonic...are you crazy?

Just kidding! I probably need a drink every now and then to (although I don't like alcohol).

Glad to see how you trying to slow down a bit. At least you are aware of your potential burnout!!!!

Get some time to relax and recharge the batteries!