Saturday, December 02, 2006

Busy week

Tues. workout A Revolution La Jolla (felt the GPP stayed well even though I had the break) 16 kg and 24 kg
Finished up with a PM workout of Tabata Squats (scored a 22!)
Wed. Busy day- pullups 3 x 10

Thursday: swings with 24kg 3 x 20
floor cals with the new recruit class:
Moutain Climbers
Hindu squats
Squat Thrusts
Cross elbow to knees

friday: bench press 205 3 x 10

trying to get back on the Revolution workout, but keep getting interrupted at work in my workout. I am going to focus this coming week on knocking it out first thing in the morning before going to work.


Ken Black said...

Nice Pete. Thanks for posting. Keep at it!
I gotta call you about Sat.


Tommy Shook said...

Stay hungry Pete! I know you're up to your A@@ in alligators but i commend you on your persistence.

Pete said...

You guys are too kind. My entries as of late have been minimal, but they are starting to pick up! How have you been Shook?

Ken I am looking forward to Sat!

Franz Snideman said...

Keep up the training Pete! Great to see you out there making a difference in your work and in your life!

Mark Reifkind said...

train first dude if you can. its the easiest way to be consistent in your training and that is the only way to make gains.

Pete said...

Thanks Franz! I hope you are having a blast making your new house a home :)

Rif, very true. My garage is an icebox right now with this fall being cold, and it seems perfect to train in first thing in the morning. Work is being very overwhelming right now and it seems to be the only time to actually do something and not get interrupted.