Thursday, February 15, 2007

Quick Rant

Ok...finally got a chance to not do work related items and just veg for a sec.
Things I am am tired of....

Drama on the Dragon Door Forum
Is Pavel a fraud or not? GIVE ME A BREAK! Y'all know what I already think....I would not be doing what I was doing without the knowledge that Pavel brought us.
Not getting to go to the April RKC
Not getting enough sleep/2 am teething sessions
reading/writing for the MIDP
MIDP consuming my life for a year
Not being where I want to be physically

Things I am proud of...
Sticking with the MIDP (Master Instructor Development Program)
Still getting in quick workouts even if it's just for maintenance
Being a good father/husband
creating effective and fun workouts for my recruits
laying the groundwork for a future law enforcement course which includes kettlebells

Hit a simple PR yesterday. I knocked off 15 pullups and felt strong throughout the whole set. I am still weighing 200-205 range. Been playing around with high rep swings/snatches with 16kg (sometimes the 24kg) ala Tracy Rif and Chuck Halbakken. GTG pullups are saving my sanity. Kettlebell complexes have also saved my sanity.

Trying to "eat the elephant one bite at a time". Sometimes can seem daunting.

Ok, got to get to work and starting gnawing at the elephant. Reading your blogs have continued to be uplifting and a source of motivation.

Thank you to all who responded to the survey request. If you got an email from, that was from me.


Mark Reifkind said...

Hang in there bro. these are the times when you just get through and do what you can when you can. This is also when kbs are at their best, when you only have ten minutes and you have to kick your own ass.pullups look great too.
pcik a few exercises and push them hard and dont' worry about too much else.

Franz Snideman said...

Awesome post Pete. The fact that you are even evaluating your life proves you are a winner and a champion. I highly respect people like yourself that have such a high standard of excellence in every area of their lives. Keep at it brother! you are a good man.

15 pull ups, sweet!

Chuck said...

Great PR
Great post
Its not how your attitude is when its easy
Its how it is when faced with adversity
You are a good man Pete

Pete said...

You are all too kind. Much respect to all of you. I do not see myself as anything but a student, but thank you. Your words have a definite pick up effect!

It is the struggles with everyday life that makes us all better people. Seeking something better than status quo.

Franz Snideman said...

Pete, how is your training going?

I read on Rif's Blog that you did a crazy pull up workout, is that true?