Friday, September 01, 2006


Everyone talks about which martial art is the best. I don't think of terms as ONE being the best, only which is the most effective for that moment in time to save your butt. Alot of talk has been made about Systema, real or phony. LEO's that I know to be good instructors are backing Systema. This clip shows more than just demos, but also a mock riot situation. Note the mass of humanity charging each other at the end. It says this seminar was in looks like the UK.....I wonder if this is protection from or for football hooligans?

Your thoughts?


Tommy Shook said...

Go RED Devils!!!
Manchester United!!! (Hooligans Reference)-have you seen "Green Street Hooligans"? Its pretty good.
Oh, wrong blog...anyways, Systema is interesting stuff. I had a DVD of it once and I don't think it did the system justice.
I wouldn't mind hitting a seminar sometime.

Pete said...

Green Street Hooligans ROCK! Just think of someone you hate.....

A former recruit who was from the UK was a minor league football (soccer to us Yanks) player, and he said that movie brought him back to a younger time. He said he wasn't a hooligan, but the singing of songs was dead on, as well as the fighting between fans. There is a Systema school here in Sac, but I have not seen any intro seminars as of yet.