Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

I hope all of you were with family and/or loved ones this holiday. I apologize for the lack of posts. I have been sneaking in brief workouts or a quick swing session, nothing worth writing about. A new class has started and we are working double academies. Yes, it is very stressful!!! :) Some of the stress culminated in my mid back area and created some very painful spasming over the course of three days last week.

I have not given up on the Revolution Fat Loss program. I have even shared it with a coworker and we plan on hitting it together starting next week.

The new class has 51 recruits, and they are a very fit and motivated bunch of people. I look forward to introducing them to the kettlebell, and other forms of underground strength training. I have two new co-workers who have a great running background. (Not my strong forte).

Be well and safe my brothers and sisters.


Franz Snideman said...


great to see you posting brother! Sounds like are under a lot of stress, especially if your mid-back is spasping. I'm sure your body will adapt to your work schedule. Just be sure that you are not burning yourself out and take the necessary down time to relax and recuperate. Epsom salt baths, icing, contrast hot and cold showers, slow walks with the family.

Be well Pete!

Ken Black said...

Pete no matter how small your workouts still post when you get a chance!

Tommy Shook said...

For sure Pete, stay loose, keep smilin' and post your workouts.
Best wishes to you and your family.

Pete said...

Franz, thanks for the tips!

Ken, I just didn't want you to go to sleep! :)

Tom, I hope that your recovery is coming along steadily.

Much love to my bros!