Thursday, May 18, 2006

Wednesday's workout

I thought I'd change gears a little and try some of the core exercises from Steve Maxwell's DVD, Abs, Back and Core. Great Stuff, and I think it is very cool that he has his family involved in the demonstration of the exercises.

JM drill/good morning stretch
Swings 24kg 3 x 10
40kg 3 sets of 5

Janda situps set 1: 2 reps
Set 2: 3
Set 3: 1
Set 4: 2
(These are the first time since the Pavel seminar a couple of years ago at the Learning Exchaneg that I have tried to do these. Tough exercise!)

Russian Situp w/ 12kg
Set 1: 3l/3R
Set 2: 4 L/4R
Set 3: 5l/5r
Russian Twist w 12kg
Set 1: 5/5
Set2: 10/10
Set3: 15/15

See-saw bend: 24kg
Set 2: w/bend 10/10
Set 3: w bend 10/10

TGU w/windmill w/16kg
Set 1: 3l/3 r should have done these first!

Good morning stretch w/40 kg
RKC armbars


Tommy Shook said...

Nice work Pete, hanging tough. I hope the good people of Sacramento appreciate all you do foe them! Stay strong!

Pete said...

Thanks, Tom, just plugging away! How is your prep work coming along for the Level 2 workshop?

Tommy Shook said...

No worries, not much to prep for, just more pain and suffering at the hands of Steve Maxwell and the other seniors. I don't have to re-do my snatch test again because I just did it...unless I want to. I'm just focusing on some EDT style work-outs twice a week and conditioning twice a week, while using heavier KB's. I want to get stronger while maintaining my level of conditioning.

Mark Reifkind said...

hey Pete,

nice blog! linked it to mine.cant wait to see your progress!just be careful with yournew found toy.

Pete said...

Hi Rif,

Thanks man! Yes, I will be cautiously aggressive....but you know that it is addicting :) I am going to try to work on the lifts that I have problems with due to shoulder flexibility, such as the Overhead squat, and the zots press. I will defiinitely start light with that.

Thanks for the linkup! When my web site is up...( I will definitely link mine with yours. It is still under construction, but I hope to get it up and running this weekend. I am totally new to creating web sites.

Well, I am off to lead Ken's class today. I am pretty stoked!