Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Wed's workout

First try with HOC:

JM drills

25 mins On the track. 8 kg 10L/10R

Ok, I know.....8kg is tiny. I guess I was just giving it a test drive. I will use a bigger KB on my next HOC. Still felt pretty good, and got a good sweat.


Royce said...

I use the 44 pounder and heavy bag for HOC ( I can't jog, bum ankle )
HOC kicks your butt, lots of fun though. I am usually gasping for air like a grounded fish before the end of the workout. LOL

Tommy Shook said...

Pete, I'm sure you meant to say "8 pood" kettlebell!;o
Seriously though, that kind of stuff is tough. I, like Royce, tend to favor kettlebells, jumprope and a heavy bag, but running is cool too. Definately melts the fat off...
Enjoy the pain comrade!

Franz Snideman said...

Hey, sometimes less is more. There objective of HOC is not maximal strength, so I see no problem in using lighter loads.

Keep up the great training Pete. I can see you have been very consistent in your training. Phenomenal job!!!

Pete said...

The heavy bag sounds like a good alternative, I swear even shadow boxing will tax you if done properly! Personally, I think running as cardio is overrated, but can be fun if you are running somewhere scenic. Unfortunately, I am running in an industrial former military base complex!

Thanks for the reminder that sometimes less is more. It is very easy to get caught up in always lifting heavy, but sometimes the body needs a different pathway of training.

All of your words are very encouraging and motivating!