Saturday, July 08, 2006

New Class Starting up

There was a major change in my workplace with the retirement of my mentor and friend, Dan DeLeon. Dan retired after 30 years of being a cop, the last 20 being a master instructor at the academy. I could go on and on about his list of accomplishments, but that wasn't the whole picture of the man. He trained THOUSANDS of officers throughout Northern California, but you would not meet a more humble and respectful man.

It makes me a little sad knowing that on monday, it will be the first academy without Dan to turn to for guidance, or sometimes a reality check that he would give us when I was going down the wrong path. He truly lived his philosophy which was a mixture of Sun Tzu and Musashi, and the Hagakure. He truly loved his teammates as brothers and sisters in arms. (His retirement gift from the many officers who he trained was a tractor!)

This weekend before the start of the new academy will give me a chance to reflect on the past and focus on the future. The only real way to thank my teacher and sensei (My defensive tactics instructor) is to continue his way of teaching others.

My workouts this week have been a misture of GTG with pullups, and rollouts front and back with the Power Wheel (30 ft. front and then back), slams with the Power Rope ball (30 reps per set), renegade rows 2x24 kg (5x5) front squats 2 x 16kg (3 x 5) snatch 16 kg 5 x 10(L/R) 24kg (3x5 L/R) and RKC armbars.

I ran a basic introduction to the kettlebell to the next class (preacademy cadets) this last week. There was 20 of them. I covered the swing, clean, C & P, front squat, and snatch. I had them pull the power sled, and I also had them walk with double KBs overhead into a rack walk into a farmers walk. (2nd day) They were all very receptive and seemed excited about this type of training. I am going to introduce to the tempo runs and sprint workouts that I have gleaned from Franz's blog.

Well, off to the Nationals to meet up with Rif and watch his friend, Nick his a PR! I have never been to a powerlifting meet so I am pretty excited to go. Then afterwards, I am meeting my old road dog, (patrol partner) to go to the boxing matches at Raley Field. This will be a good de-stressor before the start of next week.

1 comment:

Franz Snideman said...

Glad to hear things are progressing with the training at the academy. Seems like people are starting to be much more receptive, very cool!

I know it can also be difficult to have old friends and mentors move on in life and do other things. Sounds like you were blessed to have this mentor in your life.

Keep up the training, the great teaching to your students, and get them sprinting and doing some tempo runs!!!!! :)