Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Hello everyone!

Sorry that I have been away from my post, but I have been away on a little getaway to see my daughter graduate the 5th grade into middle school (how time flies) and visit Revolution La Jolla and the Snidemans. With my recruits ready to graduate in a couple of weeks, the tempo at work has tripled. UGH!

6-15-06 Thursday.
First off, Franz and Yoana Snideman- what a great husband and wife team! I am sharing all that I learned from Franz with my counterpart in the Sheriff's dept. and he was pretty amazed at the simplicity, yet toughness of the exercises. Franz had me try out his ropes, your basic one inch or so thickness variety. Then I had to whip force curves into them. We paired up and sent the ripples to each other, and I gotta tell you, my core felt braced afterwards! Did some 140 lb log presses, 80 lb keg clean and presses, and 100 lb med ball slams. He introduced me to the powerwheel which I will be getting! What a great tool to have fun and fry your abs! I definitely need to work on my cardio and ab work more.

Since I was in San Diego, I decided not to stress about sticking to a structured diet plan while on vacation. Travelling with an infant on the road trip made it a challenge, and I decided to just enjoy myself with the plentiful mexican food in the area.

Now that I am back, I went to strict on the first day back, and only had a handful of almonds all day with plentiful water and several cups of black coffee. Needless to say, that was not smart on my part and I started to bonk out on my workout. so my numbers stink. here it is for monday 6-19-06.

Halos 12kg 10 l/10 r
16 kg 10l/10r
Swings 24kg x 10
C&P (1,2,3) 32KG
The HEAT/feeling nauseous- started to get a little tunnel vision so I stopped. Very frustrating. Need to refocus.

Last Monday 6-12-06
GTG Pullups 8 sets of 5
135 x 8 warmup
135 x 8
185 x 5
235 x 5 (regrip after every rep)
235 x 1
235 x 1
255 x 1
255x 1
255 x 1
Pushups (slow grinds)
20 reps x 4

The vacation gave me a nice break for post surgery workout, and I felt comfortable starting with the 32 kg for the C and P. I am re-reading PTP for more deadlifting tips. I definitely will hit 300 over the next few weeks, and will set a goal to deadlift over 400 before I hit 40.


Mark Reifkind said...

thanks.glad you are back safe and had a good time. cant wait to meet franz and yoana as well. they seem like genuinely nice people.

nice clean and presses! strong.interesting weight wave as well.

and warrior is really tough on vacation ( or any time I am bored!) interesing too how quickly our bodies lose the ability to go without food without getting weak eh? very quickly. people are just slaves to our blodd sugar levels.

we'll go over deads at the meet. you will learn a lot by watching people deadlift at that level.

take care

Franz Snideman said...

Thanks for the kind workds Pete. It was great meeting you and I'm glad you guys had a great trip.

Rif, we look forward to meeting you in person too.

Be well!

Mark Reifkind said...


the rope thingy sounds like what we had to do to our wrestling mats when we wanted to move them. sounds very very tough.

franz, soon brother soon.

Pete said...


The rope movement is exactly like trying to unfold a wrestling/gymnastics mat.

I am looking forward to watching the deadlifts at the meet. I have never been to a powerlifting meet before, and I am stoked! What day are you specifically going to be there? I am constantly learning and am very open to any suggestions you have about deads.

Ken Black said...

Good to have you back in town Pete. When ya coming over. I have that deer dragging thing for you.

Tommy Shook said...

Welcome Home Pete! I'm glad you had a good time. I'm coming to Sac on Saturday to get messed up in style with Mr. Ken Black...you gonna be around?

Pete said...

Hi Tom!

I really wish I could be there when you come up...I had been loooking forward to that. Unfortunately, we are conducting final scenarios at the academy all day saturday and sunday...they are at graduation week! I will have to take a raincheck on the pain for next time!

I will come on by next week to pick up the deer harness, and get some pain on!