Saturday, October 21, 2006

week 1 on the Revolution LaJolla plan

Week 1 completed and stayed true to the nutrition plan and avoided my major pitfalls. I weaned myself off of coffee in the beginning, suffered major headaches but got through the pain. BUT, I love my coffee, so I went back. However, I have cut back big time on consumption. The great thing is that the great buzz came back with ALOT less coffee consumed. Drinking alot more water, and consuming more protein and vegetables. I feel great and I have lost 5 lbs. in the first week.

The workout is as such. Started off with the 16kg and 24 kg. Trying to keep the cardio factor focused with less rest. Workout A:


Workout B:

Workout B
Suitcase Deadlift
Fisted Pushups
Single arm squat press
One arm swing
Mountain Climber

My runs have been a long run for 30 mins., and also a sprint run (40 yards x 16). Will work on longer tempo runs.

I created a small 6 minute documentary on academy PT. I was in an Instructional Technology for L.E trainers this past week. I learned alot about how to use Windows Movie Maker. I am hoping to figure out how to post the clip on this blog. Any suggestions would be helpful.


Mark Reifkind said...

way to go. btw I think coffee is one of the essential nutrients! remember too, that its how many solid workouts you get in in the next 16 weeks that really matter.

work hard but at a level you can maintain and progress from. too hard and you will burn out.

enjoy! lol!

Tommy Shook said...

Pete, those are great little circuits you're doing. I agree with rif that consistency is always the key to a conditioning/ weight loss cycle, as well as nutrition. I had an interesting revelation about nutrition the other day. I put my dogs on a diet because they are both too heavy. Anyways, they slimmed out pretty fast with nothing but a reduction in overall intake in food. Its the same with people, they will waste away without enough food. It made me realize that training is important to keep the metabolism high and diet is more important in controlling caloric excess.
And coffee, BTW, is absolutely essential in our lines of work! I never leave home without a full sippie cup!

Pete said...

ah, is the drink of the gods! But, I have to admit, it felt good to wean off the coffee for a few days, AND it felt like I was drinking new coffee when I came back to my drug of choice. :)

Rif, you are correct, I am making sure I don't try to start going too heavy since that is not my total focus right now. I am having quite a good sweat going with the 16 and 24 kg.

Thanks for the Pavelism!

Franz Snideman said...

Nice work Pete. You sound very committed and ready to take on the remaining weeks as a life challenge. Keep up the nutrition, that will be the most impactful habit you can ever change! Congratulations on your first 5 pounds!


Ken Black said...

MMMMMMMM coffee! Good stuff Pete. See you tommorow.

Pete said...

Thanks Franz! I really feel a big difference already from the change in nutrition, and the frequency of meals. I posted a testimonial on dragondoor in addition to your post :)I will keep you posted on my progress!

Looking forward to tomorrow Ken!