Ken Black came out to the academy and we had some fun with the recruits (big class- 50!). Ken taught the class the swing, and spoke about the body mechanics of the swing. Then we broke into two groups, Ken had them tire flipping, and I had them perform the tactical lunge and the bear crawl. The we finshed them off with a relay race, squad versus squad, with double overhead KBs (no bigger than 16kgs, tho, gotta get them stronger to attack the double 24kgs!)
After class ended, Ken smoked my coworkers with the rope waves! My abs felt great!
After the class ended, I worked on my own workout.
5 x 5 training in Squats, Deadlifts, and Bench Press. The numbers were riduculously low because I was following a template I got from the Univ. of Washington. using a percentage of my 1RM. Honestly, my 1RM in these lifts are so weak, I don't really want to post. Ok.....I will be honest since otherwise, how can i get better right? Lets just say everything is under 300 lbs. (297 DL, 245 Squat, and 245 Bench) I never really pushed heavy weights before since I had followed bodybuilding type of routines in the past. Then when I went to the kettlbell, i forsook all barbells and dumbbells training. Now, I am expanding my training. Time to get ugly.
2.5 mile road run. Can't avoid training in this area due to training recruits.
After a 10 min. rest, I went to snatches with the 24kg.
5/5, 10/10, 15/15.
PM workout with Ken and his crew.
Windmills 4
C and P ladder with BOB. (1,2,3) (2,3,4) (4,5,6) we accidentally skipped 3,4,5! (5,6,7) and (6,7,8) with the 20kg.
1.5 mile formation run with recruits. Dynamic drills ala S.S.T. (Sports Specific Training in Rocklin, Dan Bunz's and Steve Kenyon's place) student and my coworker who trains there.
On my own:
8 x 50 yards with jog or walk for recovery 1:1 1:2 depending on the set.
Crossfit type workout with teammates
(4 rounds of descending ladders. Pullups (5 reps per round), Pushups (30, 25,20,15), TGU's(5 reps per round), curls (30, 25,20, 15 sigh....they wanted them...don't care for them, but I acquiesced) scissors passing weights thru the legs (20 reps per round)...I don't know what you call them, but they were like seated tactical lunges. Timed Power Rope Ball 3 sets of 30 seconds. Then timed planks 3X 30 secs. on both elbows. 3 x 30secs on right elbow, 3 x 30 secs. on left elbow.
Rest about 10 mins.
Snatches with 24kg
5/5, 10,10, 10, 10
with 16 kg
triceps cable extension (balance out those darn curls)
70lbs , 6 reps, x 2