Monday, September 03, 2007

Less than a week away


EDT Bench Press/Pullup
Bench 199/ BW Pullups (weighed in at 195 just prior to pullups)
20 mins.
Total reps 52 Bench/49 pullups
5 or less reps per set, strict form, no kipping, stopped way short of failure.
Total Bench- 10,0048 lbs
Total weight in pullups- 9,555 lbs
min. rest
Swings with 16kg.
20 2 hand then 40 DARCS=60 reps
40 2 hand swings then 1 hand (10-10-10-10)= 80 reps
total reps/weight- 140 reps/4928 lbs
total weight for the day- 24,531 lbs.

Sunday:Max V02 8 reps per set/40 sets/20 minutes.
total reps/weight 320/11,264 lbs

weighed in monday morning upon rising. 190 lbs. Shooting below 189 upon waking before the RKC. Feeling strong.Have to go to work now.

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