Monday, July 02, 2007


JM Drills, Halos 10L/10R x 2 with 12kg
Kneeling lunge with12kg KB 2 sets of 3
FTW squat 5x5 slow and strong descent
KB Hack squat w/ 12kg 3 sets of 5
w/ 16 kg 2 sets of 5

Power Breathing 3 sets of 3 (I am starting to dig these- I really feel each muscle tensing hard)

OAP Left side-used 1 step box (approx. 6 inch high)
Right side-down to the floor
3L/3R, 2L/3R, 2L/3R

Pistols w/12kg 1L/1R
2L/2R/w 16kg
3L/3R w/16kg

2 hand swings w/16kg
20 swings at the top of each minute.
5 sets of 20 (4:30)
5 sets of 20 (5:13)
200 swings in 9:43

Done. Felt good. Need to try it with the 24 kg now. I really should look at buying a 20kg.

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