Saturday, July 07, 2007

SPD's first kettlebell seminar

I had published an article in the department newsletter about kettlebell training in the academy. If anyone was interested to try them out, I would hold an in-house seminar. Several responded, but come the actual date, three motivated individuals showed up. With the schedules all over the place for people in this career field, I am not suprised by the no-shows. At least, they wrote me and told me to keep them in the loop for the next one.
I always learn something new when I get to train people, plus I get excited when they show that they have discovered their own aha moment. We are inside the weight room for the joint fire-police-sheriff's academies. It's a nice place, even when it's hot out! They stuck with me for the two hours, and they learned the basic level 1 exercises. I finished up with a H2H juggling demo and a 32kg TGU to show them that strength is a skill.
Later on, I had a quick workout: warmups with 12kg- 30 swings
Snatch 24kg
100 reps total
2 hand swings 32kg
10 x 10
100 reps total.
That's all she wrote. The snatches felt strong, drove through the heels, and performed it hard style. I should have just tested my RKC snatch test numbers, i was feeling that good. At any rate, I believe there is a direct carry over from all the high rep "light" kb work, as well as the Kenneth Jay Max V02 protocols. Works great for me!


Mark Reifkind said...

good stuff Pete, and you look great in the pic.very fit.

Pete said...

thanks for the props, Mark! Staying the course for Sept. A new class of 57 starts monday. Overall, I will be training a total of 105 recruits between the Sr. class, Jr. class, and CSO (Community Service Officer-non sworn) academy. The kettlebell exposure continues.

Franz Snideman said...

Congrat's Pete! You are alone changing the future of California Law Enforcement!

I know the three who came out were pumped that they did it!

Keep it rocking Pete!

Pete said...

Thanks Franz!
I would rather have a single motivated person than 10 lackadaisical people to train. What a difference it makes.

First day of the academy gotta get home and train to blow off some steam!