Why do I blog? What started as one thing evolved into another. Still training myself and training recruits with kettlebells. I am hoping to expose more law enforcement to better strength and resiliency through kettlebell training. At the same time, becoming a better instructor through the POST Master Instructor Development Program. Lead by example, create balance in life and training.
I have graduated from the Master Instructor Development Program through POST. At what cost, the list is long and plentiful. Even though I also became an RKC and an AKC coach in this duration, I really focused on self accomplishment, and other things took a secondary role. That is now changing.
I will be taking a break from blogging for a spell. It is time for me to regroup and refocus. This blog is only taking a snooze, and will rear its ugly head again. For those of you who need to get a hold of me can get me through my email (petediaz2@yahoo.com) or if you have my cell, you are always welcome to call.
Needless to say, I have enjoyed my encounters with so many wonderful people in this blogosphere! Ken, (who I already knew from kettlebell training) Franz, Tom, Rif, were the mainstays in the beginning after the RKC, and then people who popped in during its run, Sarah, KBL, Rolando, Podunk. Thanks for the input!
Before I go underground, I must say this. Division is pointless. Mocking other styles is pointless. In the end, a healthier stronger body is the goal in order to be a productive person to our families and keeping our community intact. How you get there is your business. The world is turning and is going to get darker before it gets lighter. Contribute to the lightness. Count your blessings, because you have it better than you think.
Going silent for now, but I shall return. (Filipinos love Gen. MacArthur :) )
The flu and subsequent shut down really messed me up! I am worlds better now. Taking it slowly getting back. I definitely lost lean muscle. :( but still weighing 190.
Tues: First kb workout in eons. warmup Swings 16 kg 20/20 LCCJ: 16 kg. 15/15 x 2
Double 16s LCCJ 16 reps/2:00 min. 8 per minute. Single 24 kg. LCCJ Alt. arms each minute 7/7/7/7 (4:00) 8/8/8/8 (4:00)
Jump squat with bar 20 reps Jump squat bar + 20 kg: 20 reps. (I have never done these before- felt good, but kicked my butt after the kb work). Jog 15 mins.
Wed. Pugilistics day at the academy. Played Mit-man with the recruits. Worked a little sweat from that. Sore from Tues. workout.
Thurs. My colleagues convinced me to work a BJJ session with them. Hour long session- felt very refreshing! Over stressed in the first round, and gassed out. Relaxed in later rounds, and did not gas out at all. Learning to relax under a weight is a definite skill that carries over to BJJ.
Frid. work behind a computer, but I will get a session in later. Graduation from MIDP is next week!
I read Rolando's post on the DD forum, and he has asked here about the benefits/carryover to other sports such as martial arts, or other lifting. Since I don't actively participate in other sports (teaching police defensive tactics doesn't count, although, it is much easier to teach and demonstrate and well as be the uki- person being thrown- from kettlebell lifting period)I can't speak intelligently on such things. I am curious about the rest of you. Has kettlebell sport lifting helped in your sprinting, cycling, martial arts, etc?
Having met Rolando at the Sept. RKC, he is a motivated athlete, and an all-around fun guy. His heart is in the right place. Below is one of his videos.
This is taken from AKC coach/Fire Safety Advisor Mike Stefano's blog. http://firefightersworkout.blogspot.com/2007/10/confessions-of-kettlebell-coach.html
I think it is a good tutorial on the competitive lifts approach.
Not following the bell with your torso as it swings back between your legs, forcing a premature forward swing POSSIBLE FIX: Follow the bell with your eyes and allow the back to round, as you let the bell to finish its rearward swing before reversing direction. This same fix applies to the clean and snatch. Once this problem is eliminated, you can stop watching the bell and keep eyes fixed on the floor a few feet in front of you.
Holding too much tension in the body, and using the arm to pull the bell forward
POSSIBLE FIX: Relax... this can't be over stated. Think of the arm as a rope tied to the bell handle and generate motion with the back and legs. Collapse forward as you empty of air, at the moment the bell starts to travel forward on its own, straighten up with the back and legs. Feel the pull through the arm and shoulder, but don't originate it from there.
Bell rocks or shakes between legs in backswing POSSIBLE FIX: Proper grip, holding bell handle on the inside corner with a hook grip. Also, maintain the handle at a 45 degree angle. This will give you much control of the bell. Another possible reason the bell doesn't follow a straight line is found the the first problem, not following the bell. If the arc rearward is shortened prematurely (bells not done moving on its own), there's a forceful pull that rocks the bell (and kills your grip in Snatch and Clean).
Go To: >>SWING VIDEO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Man or woman, when first learning sticking with one arm cleans, jerks, and long cycles provides plenty of challenge, and what I feel is a better way for the average person to safely progress. This article will strictly deal with one arm work. No rest in the rack position. By far the most common problem, and one that contributes to early fatigue is the inability to achieve a good rack position. With AKC and Valery's training, we learned to find the hip with the elbow as your hips move forward, knees stay straight, and back is round. From here the arm forms a virtual V that cradles the bell with the handle resting on the hip of the palm.
POSSIBLE FIX: I've worked with some people that have no trouble finding the hip right away. But some of my bigger boys tend to be far away. The fix here isn't automatic, but needs to be ingrained over time. Again, relax into the position, searching for 100 percent gravity support of the bell with virtually no muscular effort to keep it in place. The bell is actually more balanced than held in the most ideal situation.
As another solution and if necessary I'll stick with more Long Cycle work to allow a break from the rack position. It's not uncommon to have a client do Long Cycle Push Press even before they've learned to Jerk. As the rack gradually improves, a return to Jerks is implemented.
Another aspect of resting is found in the wrist position which must be slightly bent back but totally relaxed. The bell still sits directly on the hip of the hand, but with a relaxed wrist a shelf forms with very little muscle effort. At all times the bell is supported structurally, over the ulna, almost eliminating the wrist from the equation. This also applies the the overhead lockout.
Tossing the bell when dropping is another common issue. Whether learning cleans or performing Long Cycle, it almost hurts me to watch a Tosser. I define a tosser as someone who pushes the bell as far away from there body as possible when lowering the bell from the rack position preparing for another rep. This problem can stem from working with a light bell, that's sometimes necessary to master other finer aspects of the movement and still do high rep sets. Even so, the time to correct this problem is early on, before making the switch to a heavier bell. POSSIBLE FIX: Reinforce the concept of dropping the bell, nudging it out of the rack with the shoulder, keeping the grip as relaxed as possible, re-grabbing with a hook grip with perfect timing and no distinct pull on the arm and shoulder. Then, reverse the motion (with all the same technique as the swing above) when the bell begins to swing forward.
Allowing your arm / elbow to move off the hip before popping it up with the legs
POSSIBLE FIX: Wait for the pressure of the hip against the elbow as you execute the first dip. Do not allow the elbow to drift away from the hip by "pressing" the bell with your arm. Keep the arm and elbow married to the body as much as you can, until it's driven up by the connection with the lower body. For some, resting the elbow on the hip isn't possible.
Unable to get the elbow(s) close the hip(s)
POSSIBLE FIX: Over time the body will adapt and somewhat mold itself around the movement. Relax into it, be sure the hips are forward, knees straight, and back round. The rounding of the back is what brings the elbow to the hip. If you can't make the hip, allow the upper arm and elbow to rest against your body where it lies. For some, it may be beneficial to emphasize a slightly longer lockout to catch some rest, but long and slow sets that feature an extensive hold in the rack is what will get you there. Resort to Long Cycle (rack isn't held as long) if necessary.
Excessive arm and shoulder fatigue due to controlling the bell on the down drop POSSIBLE FIX: Before lifting kettlebells, we were all taught to control the weight on the negative portion of the rep - Not so here! After lockout is achieved, the weight is literally released from its position as it's dropped to the shoulder, directly back into the rack position in preparation for another rep. The weight is absorbed by the body in several ways.
Releasing a big exhalation as the kettlebell drops and lands Employing a slight bending of the ankles, knees, hips, as the bell makes contact with the shoulder
Raising up on the toes as the bell drops and immediately reversing direction as it touches the body Emphasis on a smooth landing where the bell slides into position versus crashes in --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Not following the bell as it travels backward between the legs POSSIBLE FIX: Keep your eyes on the bell as it travels back. Allow the back to round, and the bell to finish its rearward motion, before pulling back, and standing up. The same fix applies to both the clean and swing. Don't allow this to become a permanent practice. Eventually, get your gaze focused back on the floor or wall in front of you.
Not being able to get the bell to land on the "hip of the hand" in lockout
POSSIBLE FIX: Some aspect of your timing is off or you're using too much weight. When the bell repeatedly fails to land on that sweet spot, fatigue accelerates proportionally. Drop down in weight (or switch hands if necessary), and improve timing with more and more reps, and longer sets. Remember the basics:
Follow the bell as it swings between your legs Pull back with power from back and legs When bell is "weightless", reposition hand, rushing into bell Lockout with bell handle diagonally across the hand, weight on hip of the palm
Dropping the bell over the top of the hand instead of around the side
POSSIBLE FIX: I feel the drop sets up the entire rep, and with a bad drop there's little chance of getting off a lot of really good reps. Catherine Imes described it very nicely when she said (and I'm paraphrasing), that you need to get the weight of the bell from the hip of the palm (pinky side) to the index finger side of the hand. This nudge, followed by elbow bend and an actual drop of the bell (where gravity does all the work) becomes a "rest". The bell is dropped in the saggital plane, or the groove directly in front of the body (imagine slicing the body in half from left to right), allowed its full back swing, then brought back up.
Stress combined with the stomach virus/flu is seriously wrecking havoc on my health. I am furiously finishing up my MIDP work. (Graduation is Nov. 1) Too much controversy to go into with the recent updates. Need to seriously destress the body. I don't know if what i have now is left-over from the virus or the effects of stress on the body. At any rate, I have not been able to train since the last practice and it is killing me.
I thought I'd have a little fun with some favorite moments in music history. I don't know if the first clip is true or not, but here is the tale. Elvis Costello was told not to play Radio, Radio on Saturday Night Live for fear of offending the media corps. This must have been pretty exciting for Live TV back then. He was supposedly banned from SNL. He re-created his stunt with the BEastie Boys on the 2nd clip. Obviously that one was planned, but I thought it was freakin' brilliant! Cheers. (Watch at the end- after they finish, they bail quickly, the drummer knocks over a cymbal on accident, pauses, then bails!)
Marty Farrell attempts Master of Sport ranking in Kettlebell lifting. Amazing when you think that he is only about 150 lbs, and he was jerking 140 lbs. It's even more amazing to see it in person.
Fall means a couple of things near here. Apple Hill and Fleet Week in San Francisco. Apple Hill, the collection of family farms that sell apples (and other fall fruit and vegetables, as well as seriously addicting apple pies, et al). I love going up there with the family, the smells of wood fires, cinammon, spice, and pine. It is everything good about living in Northern California (except the Northern Coast, of course).
Fall also means Fleet Week in San Francisco. The Blue Angels fly in as well as large naval ships come in. Of course the complaining and moaning from the toxic-minded ultra liberals who are quick to wave a white flag and surrender under any circumstance are the first to complain about the noise, and threat to the population. Since 1945, there have only been 9 crashes from the Blue Angels performing in a civilian community. I wonder how many crashes have occurred since the start of Critical Mass?
Training has suffered this week due to the virus. Today I have felt the closest to feeling myself. My throat does not feel like it has gone through a cusinart. And I am itching to get those new competitive kettlebells!
Set 1: 4:24 min. 32 reps Set 2: 3:35 min. 28 reps Set 3 3:00 21 reps Total 5670 lbs.
Snatches with 16kg Set 1: 7:30 100 reps
Total: 3520 lbs.
Swings w/ 24kg
40L/40R 40L/40 R
Total 8448 lbs.
Overall total: 17,638 I finished feeling strong, I did not want to overdo it just yet. I know I need to work on my pacing and working up to 10 mins. The snatches felt good. I shouldn't stopped at 100, but I thought it was a good number to stop.
TUES- Got some Virus that has been going around-felt like absolute garbage. It's always telling when your co-workers tell you to go home, and that you look like hell! :)
I love to go to training where I must "empty the cup" and learn something different or new. I met Valery Fedorenko, Marty Farrell, John Hoskins and trained with the American Kettlebell Club over the weekend. It was great meeting and training with motivated people. That has been a constant in the journey in kettlebell lifting. Much has been written about the RKC and AKC, none of which I will rehash here. That's old news and better time is spent training. I will say this, though. Kettlebells are a great tool for either use from my own experience and training people to become stronger. I am stronger and leaner from my using kettlebells. It is a phenomenal time to be a physical fitness instructor in the middle of this physical culture rennaisance.
Training has been hectic since the RKC. I have been keeping my weight down (I hit 188 for the first time in years). I need to get my body fat checked to see how much weight loss is lean body mass as well. MIDP work is coming to an end, but it has been revision, revision, revision til the very end! UGH!
Yesterday: No time to train- so I did 250 2 hand swings with the 16 kg. Sets of 25. Due to an interruption, it took me 15 minutes. Still, the heart was pounding pretty nicely.
Tues. warm up 100 swings w/ 16 kg. 5 sets of 20.
Circuit from Alwyn Cosgrove's Afterburn. Squats/20 x 3 (135) T-pushups 8 l/r x 3 Step ups 20 x 3 Pulley row to neck- 20 x 3 Supine Hip Extension Leg Curl on Swiss Ball (20 x 3- These were hell on the hammies!) Ball sit ups 20 x 3 with 16 kg kb
Ok, I went for the reps and quick turnaround instead of pushing major weight. I wanted to feel the training then vary up the weights. I know, I can be a big chicken, but I will be going away for some training this weekend.
Monday. Trained a Roseville officer/former student. Showed him some of the finer techniques of kb lifting. Excellent athlete, and quick learner. He will be more of a monster once he trains with KBs more on a regular basis. Didn't keep track of what I did for myself, but I did some double and single jerks for anywhere from 30 secs to 2 mins.
Ok, back to MIDP work. oh yes, it's 4 am in the morning, and I have been up since 2:45!
Love em or hate em- The Black Eyed Peas. Apl De Ap is probably the first Filipino to make it huge in the US music industry. Being a 2nd generation half Filipino, I can appreciate this. My mother (RIP) came over after marrying my dad, and she did not know any English. It is insanely impoverished in the Philipines, and I am very fortunate and proud to be American. It is a shame that too many take their birthright for granted.
I gave a basic introduction to the Fire academy recruits this morning. What a strong bunch of motivated people! Many thanks to Coach John Hoffman for letting me come in and train his people.
Ok, it has been a busy week and I am just getting to reporting on the third day of the RKC experience. I knew today was going to be a great experience with the graduation workout at the end.
The day started off on a depressing note, two members of my team did not meet the snatch test standard. I have no doubt that after a good couple of weeks rest, and application of their newfound technical skills, they will pass the snatch test and become RKC instructors.
Cindy Glass (Trained by Rif to prepare for the RKC, no less!) from Team Brown was selected to represent her team in the form/technique competition. It took a lot of courage to get critiqued in front of over 60 trainers. Cindy did not win, but performed well. Way to go, Cindy!
Reviewing all the drills with the team showed how far they had all come in such a "short" period of time. Nothing can beat proper instruction from qualified instructors! Learning from a dvd is like learning martial arts from a book.
Everyone got team up with a volunteer "victim" from the surrounding community to get a free kettlebell lesson. All of the team members performed well, despite one having a "difficult" volunteer to train. Then, it was time for Jon Engum to lead the graduation exercise! I almost forgot how far the distance was for the graduation exercise. First, there was the double clean wal/farmer carry of approx. 150 yards. Then the turnaround was the swings and walking push-presses with the double 24kgs. (double 16s for the females). What a blaster! Everyone finished with great intensity and drive. It was very motivating to see. I have attached some video clips of the event!
WOW! What an intense day at the RKC. Team Brown (Jason C. Brown-Crossfit Philly/Kettlebell Athletics, Jim Milkowski/Training Room/Crossfit New Jersey, and lil ol' me) is coming together and performing even better than day 1! The wonder of the RKC is how incredible everyones' technique and performance becomes cleaner, tighter, and looking more like an RKC should, after just one day of instruction. The camraderie is ever present in the RKC community, and the caliber of people is awesome! I am having a fantastic time assisting, watching, and learning.
The morning started with the van ride to the Dayton Bluff Community Center. I felt excited as all the black shirts (RKCS) got on the van and walked in to get prepared for the "victims". The meet and greet was a good prep to be proper representatives of the RKC. I enjoyed seeing the many people that I got to meet the night before come in with their game face on ready to take the snatch test. (How I remember that feeling).
Team Brown was assembled and all were accounted for. All the women passed their snatch test, but a couple of the males did not. They were strong men, but missed their snatches by 10 and 20 respectively. I have no doubt once they connect their bodies to move as a unit, that they will pass their snatch test. As the training day progressed, I could see their personal "aha" moment kick in as they realized where they were deficient in their form. (I reflected how fortunate I was to work with an RKC (Ken) prior to coming to the RKC)
I am having a good time with Jason Brown and Jim Milkowski as Team Brown. We have a motivated team and the partners within the team are doing well. The community of instructors are phenomenal. I am humbled to be working with such a great bunch of people. I am looking forward to Day 2, especially since I turned 40 today! Once my family joins me, then my day will be complete!
OK, I am going to post this for my posterity. If you enjoy reading this, then all the better, too :)
Even though I was a little nervous ( I get that way...) I was extremely excited about getting to the snatch test. I waited for my cab outside the hotel, and ran into Mike Lucas, an RKC from Iron Core La Jolla/and winner of San Diego's Biggest Loser contest. Ironically, I had just watched his great mini-documentary on his personal achievement for losing over 150 lbs with kettlebells! (His video is below.)
It was nice talking with him on the cab ride to the Community Center. It was a great start to the RKC exeperience. Upon arrival, I was greeted by the familiar interior of the Dayton's Bluff Community Center. It reminded me further of the responsibility I was going to have now as an assistant instructor instead of being a student. (Sometimes, it is nice to be the student instead of the instructor!)
I proceeded to meet the other assistants; great bunch of people! All except two were from California! Travis and Mike were the only non-Cal. Asst. RKCs. After setup (whew...it was hot, humid, and seemed like ALOT of bells :) ) it was off to the snatch test. We tested each other, and all passed. It was great watching the fluidity of their movements. I felt I rushed my set, I should have relaxed, but I made my snatch numbers AND I didn't tear my hands!
Meet and Greet: It was fun to watch the hum and buzz in the hospitality suite as the students started coming in. A few of us started a gauntlet of RKCs to greet them as they came in, no wallflowers! I remember the excitement and anticipation, and it was fun to reassure and motivate them during the meet and greet. What an amazing assortment of backgrounds. I saw one person standing by themselves and so I went up to talk with him. It turns out he had recently won 1st place in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at the Pan-American Championships! He talked about how kettlebells had saved his back (he had three bulging discs prior to training with kbs)and that enabled him to continue training in BJJ and win! I told him it would not surprise me if they did an article on him in Hard Style. Very nice, positive person.
I saw and spoke with familiar faces: Rif, Mark Cheng,Andrea DuCaine and met new ones: Jason Brown, Pam Macelree (who can do 2 out of 3 in the Beast Challenge-AMAZING), and Brett Jones. Good times!
Well, it is friday morning and it is time to get ready to start my day. More to come!Pics to come on Sunday.
To assist that is! I can't wait, it is going to be a blast! I am looking forward to seeing Pavel, Rif, and Andrea, and anyone who remembers me from the April 2006 RKC. I also get to bring out a side of me that I don't get to bring out as much as I would like...the competitive side. Yes, when I train, it is to something of a paradox...something mellow like Yo-Yo Ma. But when I prepared this past couple of weeks as the RKC neared, Metallica and ACDC came back out. YEEE-AAAAHHHHHHHH! It's gonna be blast!
Speaking of paradox....this video cracks me up, and pumps me up at the same time. It's been played on other blogs before, but ..."enjoy".
Sat. EDT Bench Press/Pullup Bench 199/ BW Pullups (weighed in at 195 just prior to pullups) 20 mins. Total reps 52 Bench/49 pullups 5 or less reps per set, strict form, no kipping, stopped way short of failure. Total Bench- 10,0048 lbs Total weight in pullups- 9,555 lbs min. rest Swings with 16kg. 20 2 hand then 40 DARCS=60 reps 40 2 hand swings then 1 hand (10-10-10-10)= 80 reps total reps/weight- 140 reps/4928 lbs total weight for the day- 24,531 lbs.
Sunday:Max V02 8 reps per set/40 sets/20 minutes. total reps/weight 320/11,264 lbs
weighed in monday morning upon rising. 190 lbs. Shooting below 189 upon waking before the RKC. Feeling strong.Have to go to work now.
Power was out at the academy! Well, no bother....bodyweight drills by car headlights on the grinder!
JM drills Tactical Pushup-Star Jump matrix
10 Tac pushups 1 Star Jump 9 Tac Pushups 2 Star Jumps and so on....you get the picture. I did it with the class to show them the old man can do it, too!
Dot drills with Cpl. Gigante
Hindu Pushups superset with Hindu Squats 20-20-10-10 Then onto the track for a formation run. Hooyah!
About an hour later, halos 1 set of 10r/10l Windmill 12kg 5/5 5 sets. get a good stretch
then double kb jerks with the 16 (2 x 16) 20 x 5 = 100 jerks
h2h juggling with the 12kg and 16kg. Just felt like it, really, let the mind go. 2 hand swings, 1 hand swings, around the body pass, 1 hand flip, 2 hand flip, 2 hand swing to a catch, figure 8, fig. 8 to a catch, 1 hand swing release and catch, snatch, and let it flow. Some of the SWAT team members were working out and seemed interested in what I was doing. I hope to meet up with one or two of them down the ways. A retired SWAT Sgt. attended my in-house seminar and now he has bought two of his own kbs! I am happy about that!
Ok, I am back from being sequestered at the Hacienda in Old Town San Diego! MIDP went well, I am almost completed with the Master Instructor Development Program!!!!
Didn't do as much training while I was there, altho I was happy to have my TNT cables. Did a ton of rows, presses, clean and presses, and squats with them.
Ken's workshop was outstanding, and he had a great turnout! I was very happy for Ken. He is a fantastic instructor. I had a colleague, the Sacramento Fire Coach attend the course, and he was very complimentary of Ken's style and ability to teach. Not bad coming from someone who is a USA Weightlifting coach and CSCS.I knew he would appreciate Ken's level of instruction.
My hand healed up, tore more callouses, and fortunately, they weren't bad tears. I taped it up, and did some work, but I was worried, let me tell you!
I took it somewhat easy early in the week,
Swings 16kg 20 x 5= 100
Snatch 24 kg 5/5 x 3 (this is when I tore my calluses. I was irritated with that)
Finished off with jerks
32 kg 10/10
Tues: Did a circuit of 8 exercises: Bulgarian Split Squat Hip extensions on ball pulldowns pushups DB squats DB see-saw press single leg hip extensions low rows.
rest was minimal- 15-30 secs. max.
Wed. Max V02 drills with 16 kg 40 rounds.
(Trained with an officer preparing for the police olympics/boxing. He won bronze last year, and can get gold this year. Implementing kettlebells this go-round. I loaned him my Power to the Punch as well as trained him in several exercises. (Swing (1 and 2 hand), snatch, high pull, TGU, hot potato, swing to a catch, DARC swings) He has 6 weeks before the fight. Looking forward to having fun training him.
That's it for now. 7 days before I leave for St. Paul! I am with Team Jason Brown.
Then 60/60 alternating hands every 10 reps continuously. Total with warmup 140 reps
20 kg 10/10/10/10 x 2= 80 reps
then 24 kg 15/15= 30 reps total= 250 reps. Then I noticed blood blisters forming under my right hand callouses. Grrr. Logic says stop. So I stopped. Ken's workshop is tomorrow, then TTP workshop. Better keep my hands healthy.
Came across this old ditty. I remembered it when it came out in the mid to late nineties. Many truths, many naivetes. I look at it a little differently than I did amlmost 10 years ago. Take from it what you will...no preaching.
Meanwhile...earlier in the week:
8-14-07 2 H swings 16kg 20 x 5 100 swings
1arm swings 32 kg 5/5 x 5 50 swings
Jerks 20kg 10/10 x 5 100 jerks
Clean and Press 24kg 1,2,3 L/R x 6 72 C&P total weight: 14, 272
8-15-07 Random pop in the gym in between assisting with Def. Tac. pullups 10 x 2 Bench 225 x 5 (no warmups) Hip Pull throughs 10 x 5 (80-100lbs on the machine) T-puhsups 10 8-16-07 DARCs 16kg 40/50/50/60= 200 reps (60-90 secs rest inbetween) Jerks 16kg 20/20 x 5 = 200 reps
Quick entry: Yesterday: JM drills and KB intro and demo to the new academy class. 57 recruits! It's a big class for sure.
I didn't count how many swinggs,front squats, snatches i did with the 24kg in my intro/demo, but it was a good warmup.
After PT, I tested my snatch numbers for my weight class right now (under 198) and I hit it. 64. Self critique- i lost a little form at the end. My mental focus was off, and my right hand grip started to get pumpedat the last three reps. All reps done hard style with no GS corkscrew.
After a good rest, i worked on my form 10/10 x 3 and 5/5 x 1 with my eyes closed. I felt my form got much more tighter and I focused on rooting my feet into the ground, breathing, hip snap, and punch at the top.
I freely admit I am copying Sr. RKC Mark Reifkind's high volume as well as Kenneth Jay's Max V02 training. If one must copy, copy from the best. After I saw Rif's recent post, I was stoked for him. As i started training, I stopped my one arm swings at 18,480 lbs. I was pretty smoked. But after a couple minutes rest, I thought, at least get the weight poundages moved, so I did a snatch hold with the 20 kg for 10 secs, then 5L/5R strict military presses for 5 sets with a min. rest in between. Here was the breakdown.
1 arm swings 16kg.
10/10 x 10= 200 reps x 35.2 lbs = 7,040 lbs (30 seconds rest on most of the sets save for the last few, i had 40 seconds rest)
1 arm swings 20 kg
10/10 x 13= 260 reps x 44 lbs = 11,440
18,480 lbs. 2.5 mins rest Snatch hold + Mil Press 20 kg 5/5 x 5 = 50 reps x 44 lbs = 2,200
Total weight= 20,680. PR of weight moved for the day. Silent victory. :)
Is it really a vacation if you also do work? Disneyland was a blast! Soaring over California and the California Screamin' excellent stuff for the grown-up rides, Monsters Inc. and the Toy Story Ride are great new kids' rides. (and of course, Small World doesn't get old, even after 5 times when your 17 month old loves it!)
Anyways, I used my TNT cables for 10x10 clean and presses, and that was it. The heat and all day (some of most nights) getting around did me in. It bummed me out, but then I decided to just "flow with the go."
Coming back home, I hit it with a Max V02 vengeance. I did the Max V02 test from the original Kenneth Jay post (Thanks for posting it Rif!). I did 83 snatches in the first set-30 in the right hand for the allout 6th minute. 81 snatches in the second set, 28 on the left hand for the 6th minute. 164 snatches with the 16kg total.
Then after a good breather, I tested my submax snatches with the 24. I hit 30L/30R. If I stay under 198 (which is where I am at right now) My snatch test will be no sweat. Actually, I am not sweating it now, just want to do it! I loved being at the RKC the first time out! No corkscrew style, just hard style all the way on that last 60 snatches. I really felt the floor under my feet, as I rooted in and found just the right snap in the hips. No torn hands, either! WooHoo!
Total snatches- 224 Total weight- 8,940.8
SWING DAY! If there is ever a female Terminator, it is Rif's wife, Tracy. I had a 30 minute swing day just to see what it felt like to do a T-Rif kind of workout. I simply did 10 swings on the top of the minute, every minute for 30. (Except for the 40kg- I only did 6) Here's the breakdown:
16kg: 10-10-10 (1056 lbs) 20kg: 10-10-10 (1320lbs) 24kg:10-10-10 (1584lbs) 32kg: 10-10-10-10 (2816 lbs) 40kg: 6-6-6-6-6 (2640) 24kg: (these felt like nothing after the 40kg!) 10-10-20-10-10-10-10-10-10 (5280 lbs) 20kg: 10-10-10-10 (1760 lbs) Total time: 30 mins. Total swings: 300 Total weight: 16,456.
It is amazing that Tracy did 800 swings with the 16kg in 30 mins. Or should I say T-Rif 1000?
Max V02 with the 16kg. 50 sets/25 minutes/7 reps per arm/ total: 350 reps 12, 320 lbs. Felt good, but was glad to be done. Next time, the 60 is in sight.
Now I have to get back to work. The Master Instructor's week is coming up very soon. So if I don't post again for a couple of weeks, that is why.
I thought I had my 24kg at home, but I only had my 16kg. SO this is what i did.
Warmups (some swings,high pulls and snatches-just to get the blood flowing).
Snatch: 40/40 20/20 20/20 rest between each set approx. 2 mins. That's it. Have family arriving and a big trip coming up.
I got up early and felt tight. I did a follow-along yoga dvd, and half of Steve Maxwell's Joint Mobility Recharge, then the family got up.
I am headed for the Happiest Place on Earth. No, not the RKC, the other place....Disneyland! I am looking forward to watching my 17 month old take it all in. The innocence and pure honesty in toddlers is amazing! I am bringing my 16kg and my TNT cables. I should be good til I return.
Max V02- 42 rounds with the 16kg. Ran out of time. I felt I could have done 50, but I was definitely feeling it!
The Post below should go with these videos!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Warmup: I know my musical selection is a little unorthodox. It is Yo-Yo Ma from "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." I read a study many years ago that said athletic performance was better when listening to mellow music as compared to the thrash metal, or high intense dance beats. I know for 1RM, I usually prefer Metallica or ACDC, but for aerobic work with mental focus, for me, I am more centered with the mellow stuff.
Last 1 min. (Sorry about the bad camera angle)
This workout: Max V02 for 42 sets. It was probably 95 degrees in the gym. This is the gym at the academy.
Yesterdays training:
Darcs w/ 12 kg 50, got interrupted then 1 min on, 1 min off. x 10. 40,42,42,42,42,40,40,4040,40= 458 reps 11,908 lbs rest 10 mins. 1 arm swings 20 kg 30-60 secs rest bewtween sets
5/5/5/5 x 5 sets= 100 reps 3600 lb
1 arms swings 24 kg
5/5/5/5 x 5 sets = 100 reps 5400 lbs
total reps 658 total weight= 20,908
I have to give all the credit to following this type of high rep/high volume work to the Reifkinds, and Kenneth Jay. I feel pretty damn good and I should be coming to the Sept RKC lighter than I have been in years. I should say WILL be. "should" implies maybe. Also, thanks to Ken and Franz for their motivating words of encouragement. I feel very blessed to find so much from something so seemingly simple.
I showed this video clip in my lifetime fitness class at the academy on Tuesday morning to show that despite this information is nothing new, most of society ignore it. There is another clip where Jack laments that people want a pill to make them healthy. I believe this show was made in the 50's! Exercise, nutrition, stress management. Simple, not easy. Where have I heard that before? Jack even talks about GTG concepts. Nothing new under the sun. If it is truth, it does not matter the age of the information.
Now I have to practice what I preach, so despite a hectic week with the new academy class starting, and keeping track with the senior class, I have been GTG with OAP and pullups when i pass by the gym.
I was going out of my head since I have not had a regular practice session, and woke up 30 mins earlier yesterday to get my body unlocked. 20 mins. JM drills, then 200 swings. 100 2 hand, 100 1 hand. Then off to work. It was shorter than I thought, but it made me happier nonetheless. I am looking forward to getting my practice the rest of the week.
I had published an article in the department newsletter about kettlebell training in the academy. If anyone was interested to try them out, I would hold an in-house seminar. Several responded, but come the actual date, three motivated individuals showed up. With the schedules all over the place for people in this career field, I am not suprised by the no-shows. At least, they wrote me and told me to keep them in the loop for the next one.
I always learn something new when I get to train people, plus I get excited when they show that they have discovered their own aha moment. We are inside the weight room for the joint fire-police-sheriff's academies. It's a nice place, even when it's hot out! They stuck with me for the two hours, and they learned the basic level 1 exercises. I finished up with a H2H juggling demo and a 32kg TGU to show them that strength is a skill.
Later on, I had a quick workout: warmups with 12kg- 30 swings
Snatch 24kg
100 reps total
2 hand swings 32kg
10 x 10
100 reps total.
That's all she wrote. The snatches felt strong, drove through the heels, and performed it hard style. I should have just tested my RKC snatch test numbers, i was feeling that good. At any rate, I believe there is a direct carry over from all the high rep "light" kb work, as well as the Kenneth Jay Max V02 protocols. Works great for me!
I am very appreicative of the quality of blogs that are out there, especially in the kettlebell community. I have gleaned so much positive energy and phenomenal strength from them. I don't want to sound cheesy by naming a whole bunch of names, but they are all RKCs. Thank you for being a motivation for me.
Today's workout:
Warmup: JM drills 12kg 2 hand swing + DARCS (10 swings into 25 DARCS x 5/ total: 50 Swings/125 DARCS)
Tracy and Rif showcased the Kenneth Jay Max V02 workout and it sounded intense. I completed the workout-all 40 sets with the 16 kg. 7 reps pers set for a total of 280 sets. What a gasser! It is no joke. Training with the "little" bells have saved my sanity, that's for sure. There is a total benefit for the body and mind, and it is certainly worth training with them.
I am starting a new academy class next week. 57 new recruits. 37 senior class recruits. 12 CSO recruits. It's gonna get busy!!!
A BIG congratulations to Officer Dymmel for graduating the police academy. Not an easy feat! Good luck and be safe.
JM Drills, Halos 10L/10R x 2 with 12kg Kneeling lunge with12kg KB 2 sets of 3 FTW squat 5x5 slow and strong descent KB Hack squat w/ 12kg 3 sets of 5 w/ 16 kg 2 sets of 5
Power Breathing 3 sets of 3 (I am starting to dig these- I really feel each muscle tensing hard)
OAP Left side-used 1 step box (approx. 6 inch high) Right side-down to the floor 3L/3R, 2L/3R, 2L/3R
Pistols w/12kg 1L/1R 2L/2R/w 16kg 3L/3R w/16kg
2 hand swings w/16kg 20 swings at the top of each minute. 5 sets of 20 (4:30) 5 sets of 20 (5:13) 200 swings in 9:43
Done. Felt good. Need to try it with the 24 kg now. I really should look at buying a 20kg.
Have enough time to write this down from today. Warmup: 100 jumping jacks, Halos with 12 kg KB 10L/10R, H2H with 12 kg KB 2 mins. FTW squat (slow stretch down, 3 sets of 5) Cossack Side stretch, Power breathing 5 sets of 3 (very intense full body contraction with each breath). DARCs
20, 30 with flipping the handle down/juggling, 30 with flipping the handle up= 80 reps
16 kg
20, 30 w/flipping the handle down, 30 w/flipping the handle up x 3= 150 reps
16 kg
10/10 10 sets= 200 reps (focusing hard on technique- felt better as the sets neared the end.) I am having fun with the H2H juggling. I think I just needed to have a little fun with them.
Later on, I worked mitts with the recruits on their pugilistics (boxing) training day.
Finished with Dimensions work- working on my total training project. More fun since it is my class that I am getting certified. Still alot of writing getting done. It is like working on a Master's degree, some who have their masters says it is more work doing the MIDP than a regular masters' program. It will be worth it in the end. TS seminar really helped me tighted up my form.
AM one arm Pushups- 1L/1R x 3 1L/2R x 2 GTG throughout the day 1L/1R focusing on full body tension
40 mins. Yoga with the recruit class. (They have pugilistics-boxing today-get them nice and stretched out).
Pistol 1L/1R w/ 24 kg x 3 again, focusing on what I learned from the TS seminar.
1 hand swings w/24 10L/10R x 10 sets- 200 swings
Tues: Went to LAPD academy to observe a class. Not puch time for kettlebell work. Worked on OAP and muscle tension focus.
Warmup: easy mile run on the track. JM drills. halos, face the wall squat, and roman chair situps (low and slow to open up the hip flexors).
1L/1R w/ 16 kg x 5
Box Pistols (approx. 18 inch. box.) body weight. I have problems with these. Pavel says this is typical with people with wide shoulders. Something that I will have to fight through and overcome. 3L/3R x 5
Beautiful day, great bunch of people, offshore breeze, awesome day!
I relearned some things, was fine-tuned in some others, Doc Cheng hammered home the TGU, Sarah Cheatham smoked us at the end,and Pavel was Pavel. Great instruction, great time had by all. My only regret was not being able to stay for dinner due to my flight time.
Going to So. Cal. for the Tactical Strength seminar. It's a great way to celebrate the completion of my Dimensions Binder for POST. That binder represents hundreds of hours of books read, interviews, classes taken, and research papers written on my journey through the 6 dimensions of the Master Instructor Program. Now, it's onto creating my Total Training Package aka TTP. This is work towards the creation of a POST certified course which will be creating the intermediate PT Instructor course. This course will officially introduce kettlebells into a state certified physical training instructor course.
But now, a mental break to go blow off some steam!
It is always great when your former students tell you how what you taught them helped them in the field. One of recently graduated officers took time to send me an email and thank me for the skills they learned in my class. They then told me how it helped them to handle picking up a violent domestic violence abuser who had been hobbled off the ground. If you had seen her at the start of the academy, you would have thought, no way would she be doing that in 8 months. It makes me very thankful for the training I received from the RKC to be able to pass that on to those who use it for more than sports or aesthetics.
(The pic posted is chemical agents day with the last class. I am in the front of the crowd in the smoke with my right hand held up.)
I trained with the class today for PT. Swings, high pulls, side step swings, and snatches. I showed them the bear crawl since they had all been wanting to try that since viewing the RKC trailer from Denmark. After class, I worked 3 sets of snatches with the 24kg 16L/16R x 3 60-120 secs. rest to work on my form and breathing to get ready for my snatch test in Sept. It felt good.
I am sorry to hear that Tom Shook is no longer blogging. Tom is a great guy, we met at the April 2006 RKC and I hope that his future travels bodes him well.
Ken, you are still in my family's thoughts and prayers. I hope you get my messgaes.
Lest I forget...I did the Deck of Cards workout with the recruits this morning. we went through the whole pack. Exercises were 1. Star Jumps 2. Clapping pushups 3. Figure 8s (not KB fig. 8s- the kind where you pass a plate between your legs (scissoring) while you are seated, and 3. Mountain climbers- the last one to finish has to yell Boo-yah!. Jokers were "Nose to the Rings" my number. I only did not do the first 4 cards, to watch the form, then I went with the class. Not bad for an old dude. I have a 20 year old in class.....they are getting younger every year. They have 11 weeks left to go. Alot of training to get done.
Ok, I have a love/hate relationship with my Master Instructor Development Program. I know it will be worth it in the end. I am learning more than I ever learned in any other educational program I have ever been in...but I am getting burned out! Thank goodness for kettlebells. Despite my lack of real posting, I still hoist my beloved kettlebells!
This saturday I will be at the Sacramento Police Department's Female Fitness Challenge with a booth displaying kettlebells. I will have some of my former female recruits (now officers) showing their prowess with the kettlebells. Check the above link if you want to swing by.
I have been playing with some of the crossfit workouts. I find it interesting the conflicts from stolen "intellectual property" that is going on. With the different kettlebell certs that are arising, I don't see any clammoring to sue those other certs. You are either good, or you are not. GS or Hard Style? It's all good depending on what you want from it. It's like arguing which is better, Aikido or Kajukembo. Take from both, learn from both, you are a better student. But, that's just me. I just want what will work when I have to take a bad guy into custody.
But I digress.....I hope you like the musical selections. More to come. Just a different change of pace from the other blogs out there. I used to work in a record store an eternity ago. I haven't lost my love for a variety of forms of music. Paul Weller is amazing. First the Jam, then the Style Council, and then an amazing solo career. And he is still relatively unknown in the US. What a shame. It's nice when the artists you listened to when you were young grow older, and their music reflects a maturing. But it still sounds good! Agree or disagree...dissension is good for conversation. I am taking a less traditional form of stress relief in the form of a vodka tonic, so please forgive the rambling. Cheers!
Paul Weller still rocks 30 years later. I miss my Vespa! LOL
Still training, not much blogging. Will be attending Tactical Strength seminar in LA in June, and going to the Sept. RKC to assist. Just added a PT program for the Community Service Officer Academy, possibly the first in the nation. You better believe they will experience kettlebells!
Finally learned how to embed a video. More to come. Hope you liked the Dropkick Murphys- Warrior's Code. Made me think of Shook!
A prayer to the Black family. Give Ken a call and let him know he is in your thoughts.
I came back from Del Mar last week and completed Dimensions workshop with the Master Instructor Development Program. A great big shout out and another big thank you to Franz Snideman for his help with providing KBs for my presentation. His gym in La Jolla has to be a must-see gym if you are ever in So Cal. Just the drive to his gym is worth the visit! It is always great to see you, Franz. You are always a motivator!
Came back and trained with the recruits yesterday. I ran them through one of Franz's Revolution Kettlebell Fat Loss Program workouts and they were smoked.
3 rounds each no rest for each cluster of 3-4 exercises, then a min. rest (or as needed) before starting the next round. (Weights below are mine.)
Suitcase deadlift 2 x 32kg 8 reps Fist pushups 10 Snatch 24 kg 10 L/10R rest 1 min. 3 rounds
1 arm squat press 24kg 5 reps L/R 1 arm swing 24kg 10L/10R Mountain Climbers 30 secs or 20 reps Shuffles 30 secs. or 20 reps rest 1 min. 3 rounds Total time: 18 mins.
I continued with my workout 2 hand flip 24kg x 10 32kg x 10- 3 sets
Renegade Row 2x 32kg 5x5
Jerk 2 x 24kgs 4 sets of 5 1 set of 5 w/ double 32kg.
BW dips 10, 20
Going to add pistols to the workout to get ready for the LE/Mil. Tac Strength seminar in June.
Had a kick-butt workout today and at the end of it, hit a PR in pullups! I did 20 pullups for the first time in my life at a BW of 199.
I ended up doing two workouts today, first by myself, then I got hit up by my SSD PT instructor counterparts who asked me to join them. Who was I to say no?
Workout 1
swings 16 kg 45 swings (2 hand and 1 hand L/R) Round 1 55 Swings (") Round 2 65 Swings (") Round 3 55 Swings (") Round 4 Rest time ranged btwn 60secs. and 180 secs.
Clean 32kg 5 sets of 5 L/R
OHS Oly bar 5x5 Oly bar + 10 lbs 2 x 5 TGU Oly Bar
1 x 3 L/R
Team workout 4 stations of tire flips x 5, sled pulls x 10, KB C& J x 5 L/R and tire skedgehammer slans ( 5L/R)
The 4 stations were set up on a standard running track. How many rounds in 20 mins? I did 4 rounds. Then, OH KB waiter walk 50 yds L/R
TGU 24kg 3 x 2 L/R
THEN, we went back to the pullup bar where I hit my best pullups number, ever. 20.
(Earlier in the week: treadmill interval runs Sun. and Tues. C & P TNT cables 3 magenta, Mon. got a Bosu ball and started playing around with it. Wed. was a quick 15 minute swings workout. )
The world is getting crazier, but the sheepdogs are keeping the wolves at bay. Stay sharp to your surroundings, and "it is better to fight on our feet, than surrender on our knees. Stand tall!
I have been away from the blogosphere but not away from training. No excuses, but I have thought of you all, and have checked your blogs from time to time.
Training with the recruits, last official day with the senior class yesterday before their 5 mile run final. Had a 1RM snatch test, and many were able to easily snatch the bulldog! I was stoked for them. I used that energy and snatched/windmilled the bulldog. (Never tried it before, just fed off their energey, and got a windmill PR)
Got my cholesterol reading when I was at Cooper and was dismayed to find my HDL was below 40 mg/dl. NOT GOOD. Making changes to food intake, as well as paying more attention to my cardio based training as opposed to focusing on power lifts for now.
In a nutshell, pushups, pullups, clean and presses with the TNT cables, JM drills and treadmill interval running have been the mainstays for the past few weeks. Have not done much KB since I got back from Dallas. Don't know why. I know the stress is building up exponentially with 2 academies, and the Dimension workshop 3 weeks away for MIDP.
Still keeping the body moving! Sorry I missed Shook at Ken's seminar. An expected situation arose which prevented me from attending Ken's seminar, and I know that a good time was had by all.
I am still here, my brothers, just a little under the radar for the time being. At the end of MIDP, things will definitely change.
I am in the great big state of Texas at the Cooper Institute! Even though they have a huge gym here at the Cooper Lodge, I brought my TNT Lifeline cables. I knew I would be hitting the books since there is a big test at the end of the Master Fitness Certification. I contacted Lisa Shaffer from No Fear Fitness to see if she had any classes while I was in town. She said she wasn't holding open classes, only her clients, HOWEVER, she was happy to drop off a kettlebell for me to use while I was in town! What an awesome lady! She came by and had some nice things to say about Ken Black! (She says 'hey', Ken!)
I brought in the KB into the class, and there was some definite curiousity about the KB. The staff there had heard of the kettlebells, and had heard of the RKC cert. A compliment they said about the RKCs they had come across was that the RKCs were very strict on form which, of course, they respected. Funny thing is that they have kettlebells at the Cooper Gym, but they are really small....and have a rubberized coating on them. Not very functional for KB basics.
At any rate, Cooper does cater to the large sedentary population and will probably always stick to the safe methods of swiss balls, and tubing. Not anything wring with that if it gets people to train. And then hopefully, they will want to explore other methods of strength and conditioning. But, as you all know, there is plenty of room for all types of trainers out there. I was happy to spread a little RKC representation and I even got one person interested in the RKC cert. (The gym he works at has kettlebells, and they do some fun things with them...very muscular, and fit guy with an open mind!)
If you like the show, The Office, click on the Title link. Don't know how to add video to the blog! Got my TNT Power cables yesterday....they are alot of fun and versatile. Great addition to the KBs!
Been a very busy week getting ready for the new academy class and training the current class. Still overwhelmed by MIDP, but able to get some training in nonetheless.
Mon. Bench (135 x 6) x 2 185 x 6 185 x 6 225 x 6 245 x 3 265 x 1 (PR)
Deadlift 135 x 6 225 x 3 245 x 3 265 x 3 (295 x 2) x 5 w/ 90 secs rest btwn sets
Swings 16kg 4 sets of 30 secs on/30 secs off
Tues: Weight room day with the recruits Showing various exercises to get a quickie workout in Renegade rows w/ 2 24kgs Figure 8s to a hold w/ 16 kg and 24 kgs. Snatches Kettlebell matrix (swings, high pulls, hi-pull to a catch, high pull to a catch/front squat and press.
Thurs: manmakers 6 laps around the track 7 rounds of swings (10 per lap with 16kg)
Friday: Behind the computer all day doing MIDP work GTG- chinups totalled 110, 10 more than last week.
Saturday: I am anxiously awaiting my TNT cables which are slated to arrive today! Woohoo! I go to the Cooper's Institute soon for my Master Fitness Recert. I know, I know, but the agency is sending me as they are the main entity recognized by POST.
As Rif says, Dats it.
A special Thank You to Rif- thanks for the information and knowledge. Enjoy the next half century as much as the first one!
Ok...finally got a chance to not do work related items and just veg for a sec. Things I am am tired of....
Drama on the Dragon Door Forum Is Pavel a fraud or not? GIVE ME A BREAK! Y'all know what I already think....I would not be doing what I was doing without the knowledge that Pavel brought us. Not getting to go to the April RKC Not getting enough sleep/2 am teething sessions reading/writing for the MIDP MIDP consuming my life for a year Not being where I want to be physically
Things I am proud of... Sticking with the MIDP (Master Instructor Development Program) Still getting in quick workouts even if it's just for maintenance Being a good father/husband creating effective and fun workouts for my recruits laying the groundwork for a future law enforcement course which includes kettlebells
Hit a simple PR yesterday. I knocked off 15 pullups and felt strong throughout the whole set. I am still weighing 200-205 range. Been playing around with high rep swings/snatches with 16kg (sometimes the 24kg) ala Tracy Rif and Chuck Halbakken. GTG pullups are saving my sanity. Kettlebell complexes have also saved my sanity.
Trying to "eat the elephant one bite at a time". Sometimes can seem daunting.
Ok, got to get to work and starting gnawing at the elephant. Reading your blogs have continued to be uplifting and a source of motivation.
Thank you to all who responded to the survey request. If you got an email from m22_diazp@yahoo.com, that was from me.
Actually, I am here for Master Instructor Development Training (Progress workshop#2). I didn't bring my kettlebell this time, I opted for something light, my bands. The "gym" here has 2 40# dumbbells, and a low row/lat pulldown machine. Yesterday, I did about 20 mins. treadmill and then 15 mins. EDT low row, front squats w/ the 40# db. rest between sets no more than 10 secs.
Coming here has gotten me re-energized about my project and being an academy instructor. This is a year long process that quite honestly, has taken alot out of me. Alot of research, and alot of writing on top of the regular workload. But, it is definitely worth it to me in the long run.
During class today, we discussed an article about the differences in the quality of life of optimists vs. pessimists. Needless to say, the old adage "what the mind harbors, the body manifests" holds true. Pessimists were more likely to have serious ailments as they age versus optimists. Those who had optimistic thoughts were checked over a 12 week period, compared with those who took medications to fight depression, and found that the positive thinkers performed better than those who used chemicals to alter their body chemistry! The power of the mind is simply amazing.
Well, it is that time I told myself I would return back to my research paper. Be strong, and stay healthy.
The Sacramento Police Academy now is using the blog medium to document the lives of selected recruits as they go through the academy. As such, they are also introducing staff, as well. I was the first to be posted on, and this is the picture they put on the blog (w/ the 40kg, of course!)
I have been sick and swamped at work, but, damnit, that's no excuse for some sort of workout! Had a great time at Ken's workshop last saturday, and catching up with Modesto RKC, Chuck Halbakken. It is always good to watch Ken train, and Chuck had great pearls of wisdoms and observations to share.
Just caught on about the departure of Senior RKCs, Steve Maxwell and Steve Cotter. I wish them the best. Fortunately, there remains immensely skilled and knowledgeable Sr. RKCs currently in place, especially Northern Cal's own Rif! I probably shouldn't have mentioned West Coast, eh? There seems to be some type of East Coast/West Coast thing going on? Haven't we learned anything since Tupac and Biggie? LOL
The Rifstonian will undoubtedly lead the charge from the front. Now I am seriously bummed I got my time off to go to the April RKC cancelled. Give 'em hell, Rif!
Past week's workout:
Last Friday: GTG pullups (behind a damn computer screen banging away on my MIDP projects) 30
Saturday: Ken's workshop. Got sick as a dog afterwards, but still had a quick lunch with Ken and Chuck.
Monday: Swings with 24kg (keeping it basic)
40-20-10-30-20-20-20-20-20-20= 220 swings
Breaks in between each set long enough to bring my HR down and catch my breath. total time in training, 22 mins. Some breaks were longer due to parenthood calling.
bench press. Goal is to bench 3 plates before my 40th birthday. 135x 5 185x 5 190x6 210 x 5 220 x 4
Deadlift (Coan/Philippi routine based on 1RM of 300) 135 x 3 260 x 2 220 x 3 x 8 w/ 90 secs rest between
Push and pull. Music: soundtrack from Rocky I, III, and IV. Centers the mind and body. I read a study that said that classical music or jazz had a better weight training performance as opposed to the heavy/thrash metal music people usually get pumped up with. I use both, but lately, the soundtrack music keeps me more focused.
Got a dip belt and used it for an EDT workout Tues.
AM workout: formation run with recruits. 24 degreess out at 0600 hrs! Brrrrrrrr 20 pushups into 20 hindu pushups 15 mins: (back to back, very little rest in between sets)
Dips with 16kg kb Lat Pulldowns 5 x 8 5 x 8 @ 150 3 x 2 3 x 2 @ 165
8 x 2 bodyweight 5 x 2 @ 150
10 mins: cross elbows to knees abs---------back ext. 10/10 LR x 8 5 x 8
Rotator cuff band lateral pulls 20 x 2 into center line 20 x 2 away from center line
am: Jump rope 1:30/2:00/2:00/2:00 superset with pushups/alt. knees to elbows/pushups/downward-upward facing dogs
Barbell power cleans
20kg + bar x 5 40kg + bar x 5 x 5
KB snatches
24kg 5/5 x 2
32kg 5/5 x 5
While in Alabama, I had my 36# KB Day 1 am- KB swings 20-30-50-25-25
mil. press 10/10 x 5
superset with band tri. ext. 40x 5
barbell bench 135 x 6 225 x 8 245 x 6 255x 2 135 x 30 (don't know why I did it, just did it)
t-bar rows 90 x 5 x 3 135 x 5 x 2
barbell Power Cleans 95 x 5 x 3
135 x 3 x 2
Day 2 PM Jump rope 1:00 x 5
superset with KB snatches 10-15-10-15 l/r
I just found out today that my time off request to go to the April RKC has been rescinded due to academy scheduling. It falls on graduation week. I am hoping that I can go in June, but I have been told that it is full. Hopefully, 2008. What a bummer, but gotta suck it up, and press on.
I am in Alabama right now doing some training at the Center for Domestic Preparedness. I brought my 36# KB with me since I would go crazy if I didn't at least bring it with me. I got some funny looks from the sky caps when they picked up my duffle with the KB in it! I'll write more when I get back.